with the complete list of names
The Methodist Church is located in Pleasantville, Sullivan County, Indiana. In the true sense of the word, it's a Country Church that has served the community since 1819.
Rev. John McCord organized the first Methodist Episcopal Church "Society" in Jefferson Township in 1819. It is the oldest continuous Methodist Church organization in the state of Indiana.
Pioneer preachers came to the early settlements with their Bible in one hand and their rifle in the other.
Jesse and Polly (Hinkle) Beck, the first settlers in Pleasantville, were among the first church members with John & Jenny Bedwell, Mr. & Mrs. James Reid, Mr. & Mrs. James Mayfield and Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fullem. They met in homes until a log church was built in 1824, where the cemetery is located now.
Rev. John Ritchey organized the first Sunday School in 1830; Phillip Hinkle was the Superintendent.
After the first church was abandoned, there was a wooden frame church erected but not entirely completed. It stood about one quarter mile south of the present church. This building was heated by a wood stove and lighted by candles. After three years of worship in this church, Pleasant O'Haver offered to donate the ground for a church by the cemetery which had been established for some time, and where the church stood in 1866.
The trustees: Eli Newkirk, James Reid, James Harvey, Jesse Beck and Pleasant O'Haver, decided to tear down the partly finished building and move it to the present location where it was re-erected and somewhat larger than the original one.
Until 1869, it was known as Pleasant Grove Church.
On January 5, 1958, the wooden church burned.
It had been dedicated in 1894 with Rev. T.B. Couchman, pastor.
November 1958, the new and present church shown below was consecrated.
This new church is the fifth building and the third at the present site.
-Historical information compiled and recorded by Myrtle Harbin Lind.
Pioneer preachers came to the early settlements with their Bible in one hand and their rifle in the other.
Jesse and Polly (Hinkle) Beck, the first settlers in Pleasantville, were among the first church members with John & Jenny Bedwell, Mr. & Mrs. James Reid, Mr. & Mrs. James Mayfield and Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fullem. They met in homes until a log church was built in 1824, where the cemetery is located now.
Rev. John Ritchey organized the first Sunday School in 1830; Phillip Hinkle was the Superintendent.
After the first church was abandoned, there was a wooden frame church erected but not entirely completed. It stood about one quarter mile south of the present church. This building was heated by a wood stove and lighted by candles. After three years of worship in this church, Pleasant O'Haver offered to donate the ground for a church by the cemetery which had been established for some time, and where the church stood in 1866.
The trustees: Eli Newkirk, James Reid, James Harvey, Jesse Beck and Pleasant O'Haver, decided to tear down the partly finished building and move it to the present location where it was re-erected and somewhat larger than the original one.
Until 1869, it was known as Pleasant Grove Church.
On January 5, 1958, the wooden church burned.
It had been dedicated in 1894 with Rev. T.B. Couchman, pastor.
November 1958, the new and present church shown below was consecrated.
This new church is the fifth building and the third at the present site.
-Historical information compiled and recorded by Myrtle Harbin Lind.
1815 - Jesse (1786-1867) and Polly (1785-1844) Hinkle Beck moved to the Midwest Territory and were the first to settle where Pleasantville is now located.
1816 - John Henry Beck was born; the first white child born in the township. Jesse Beck built the first log house in this township.
1816 - Dec. 11, 1816, Indiana became the 19th state of the union with the name meaning "land of the Indians".
1819 - First church society organized in the township, the Methodist Episcopal by Rev. John McCord.
1815 - 1820 - Many settlers started moving into the area from North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky and Virginia.
1824 - The first church was built, of logs, where the cemetery now stands. It was heated with a fireplace and lighted with an old-fashioned grease lamp.
1829 - The local exhorter (a lay preacher) was Nathan Hinkle.
1830 - The first Sunday School was organized by Rev. John Ritchey with Philip Hinkle as the first S.S. Supt. First church trustees recorded were: Elias Newkirk, James Reid, James Harvey, Jesse Beck and Pleasant M. O'Haver. The first school was in the log church building and the first teacher was Jesse Beck.
1863 - A wooden frame church was begun 1/4 mile south, but was not completed.
1865 - A public burying ground was given to the Pleasant Grove Methodist Church by Jacob W. and Mary Beck. Trustees were: W.P. O'Haver, Jackson Hinkle, Frances A. Harvey, Jacob W. Beck and J.L. Smith.
1866 - Pleasantville was laid out by W.P. O'Haver and named for his father, Pleasant O'Haver. the church society was known as the Pleasant Grove Society. Pleasant O'Haver donated ground for a church where the present church now stands. The church trustees were the same as above in 1865.
1874 - Pleasantville became the head of the circuit composed of: Pleasantville, Sandborn and Gilmore (the school house), later called Dewey's Chapel, for the man who donated the ground. Elias Gaskins was the Pastor.
1892 - Marco was added to the circuit with Rev. Charles W. Wood as the Pastor.
1893 - Stafford was added to the circuit, with S.L. Welker as the Pastor.
1893-94 - A fourth and larger church was begun and dedicated in 1894. Rev. T.B. Couchman was Pastor. Trustees were: William Alexander Harbin, T.B. O'Haver and S. H. Miller.
1900-01 - Widow Meg Baker donated ground for the present parsonage, estimated cost $1,000. The first telephone was installed.
1900 - Pleasantville circuit now has 5 points: Pleasantville, Marco, Sandborn, Dewey's Chapel and Stafford. Rev. J.B. Johnson is the Pastor.
1903 - Mt. Moriah was taken from the Dugger charge and added to Pleasantville. Dewey's Chapel and Sandborn were dropped. Rev. John H. Furry was Pastor.
1922 - Marco was taken from Pleasantville charge and added to Sandborn charge. The Rev. George Peel was Pastor.
1923 - CENTENNIAL HELD! Rev. George Peel was Pastor.
1925 - The Parsonage was papered and new screens put in. The church was reroofed and redecorated and a new furnace put in. $800. Rev. R.W. Robling
was Pastor.
1956 - The basement was added with kitchen and class rooms. Rev. Raymond Shelton was the Pastor.
January 5, 1958 - THE CHURCH BURNED.
June 1958 - broke ground for a new church.
November 1958 - Rev. Raymond Shelton was the Pastor.
1962 - Building indebtedness $1,175.
1963 - On Jan 6th - Paid in Full!
May 12, 1963 - The church was Dedicated at a total cost of $37,414.65.
During the life of the Methodist Church, it has not been without a minister, but for a few weeks at a time. During all these years the work and sacrifice has not been in vain. Many have been led from darkness into light and have lived true to the faith going home to receive their reward.
This information was compiled and recorded by,
Myrtle Florence Harbin Lind (1902-1975).
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Myrtle Harbin Lind (1902-1975) |
The complete list of names on the 1891-92 Pleasantville Friendship Quilt is at the bottom of this post-
For more information -
A History of Sullivan County Indiana, Thomas J. Wolfe Editor, Volume I, 1909,
Free EBOOK - though little info. is found about Pleasantville in this book.
A History of Greene and Sullivan Counties, State of Indiana, The Earliest time to the Present, Published 1884.
A History of Greene and Sullivan Counties, State of Indiana, The Earliest time to the Present, Published 1884.
GOING BACK HOME: Pleasantville United Methodist church elebrates 200 years serving community, congregation.
by Kasy Long, in the Tribune-Star, Oct. 6, 2019.
by Kasy Long, in the Tribune-Star, Oct. 6, 2019.
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Post card of the Methodist Church - 1914 |
I don't know if that's the case here.
But in 1893 work began on the fourth and a larger wooden church,
completed and then dedicated in 1894.
The Pleasantville Methodist Church Signature/Friendship Quilt was made from 1891 to 1892.
There were 320 church members stitched onto the quilt with 48 additional names added after 1960.
Quilt panels posted here include the names of my family.
L --> R
Mr. & Mrs. J. Timmerman,
Mr. & Mrs. S.M. Benard,
Mr. & Mrs. S.M. Benard,
Jane Lind Garrett,
Elaine Lind Persons,
Mr. & Mrs. J.M. Wells,
Lou & Revn Milburn.
Ray Timmerman, Dorthy Jackson Timmerman,
Ray Timmerman, Dorthy Jackson Timmerman,
Maud Booker, Bessie Phillips,
Chris Booker, Walter Berry,
Ira Dunham, John Enock,
Claud Phillips, Marshal Lockhart,
Dr. & Mrs. J.L. Phillips,
Mr. & Mrs. J.D. Lundy.
Mr. & Mrs. J.D. Lundy.
Bruce Lind, Myrtle Harbin Lind,
Maud Howard, H.J. Stevens,
Fern Harbin, Don Harbin,
McKendree Wilson, Perry O. Wilson,
Minnie Harbin, Albert Harbin,
Mr. and Mrs. W.P Wilson,
Mr. and Mrs. E.D. (Emery Dudley) Harbin.
Left panel, L-->R
Mr. & Mrs. E. Sags,
Mr & Mrs. S. Matthias,
Mr. & Mrs. J. Timmerman,
Mr. & Mrs. S.M. Benard,
Mr. & Mrs. J. K. Clark,
Mr. & Mrs. G.W. Purcell,
center - Mr. & Mrs. N. Newkirk,
center - Mr. & Mrs. ?.
top left
Jane Lind Garrett,
Elaine Lind Persons.
middle bar
Bruce Lind, Myrtle Harbin Lind,
Right Panel, L-->R
Maud Howard, H.J. Stevens,
Fern Harbin, Don Harbin,
McKendree Wilson, Perry O. Wilson,
Minnie Harbin, Albert Harbin,
center - Mr. and Mrs. W.P Wilson
center - Mr. and Mrs. E.D.(Emery Dudley) Harbin.
top right
Charlie Howard, John Baker,
Ticcie Levine?,
Delmar Jarral.
Mary Harbin Bishop, Bill Bishop,
James Harbin, Fay Smith,
Eva Harbin,
Letta Daugherty, Fay Miller,
Eliza Beck, Rinda Beck,
Florence (Celeste) Harbin,
Ray Harbin,
W.C. (William Clifford) Harbin,
Lrea Harbin.
far left
Rosie I. Holdson, M.G. Newkirk,
center bar
James R. Jackson, Margaret Held Jackson,
A.C. Payne, O.B. Payne,
top bar
James J. Jackson, Donna Bedwell Jackson,
Cora Case, Lee Ladd,
Dircie Kixett(?), Lucy Puckett,
Lulu Biggs, Lewti Badders,
Mr. & Mrs. S. Goldal???
Mr. & Mrs. Gouchman.
Bruce Lind, Myrtle Harbin Lind,
Maud Howard, H.J. Stevens,
Fern Harbin, Don Harbin,
McKendree Wilson, Perry O. Wilson,
Minnie Harbin, Albert Harbin,
Mr. and Mrs. W.P Wilson,
Mr. and Mrs. E.D. (Emery Dudley) Harbin.
Left panel, L-->R
Mr. & Mrs. E. Sags,
Mr & Mrs. S. Matthias,
Mr. & Mrs. J. Timmerman,
Mr. & Mrs. S.M. Benard,
Mr. & Mrs. J. K. Clark,
Mr. & Mrs. G.W. Purcell,
center - Mr. & Mrs. N. Newkirk,
center - Mr. & Mrs. ?.
top left
Jane Lind Garrett,
Elaine Lind Persons.
middle bar
Bruce Lind, Myrtle Harbin Lind,
Right Panel, L-->R
Maud Howard, H.J. Stevens,
Fern Harbin, Don Harbin,
McKendree Wilson, Perry O. Wilson,
Minnie Harbin, Albert Harbin,
center - Mr. and Mrs. W.P Wilson
center - Mr. and Mrs. E.D.(Emery Dudley) Harbin.
top right
Charlie Howard, John Baker,
Ticcie Levine?,
Delmar Jarral.
Mary Harbin Bishop, Bill Bishop,
James Harbin, Fay Smith,
Eva Harbin,
Letta Daugherty, Fay Miller,
Eliza Beck, Rinda Beck,
Florence (Celeste) Harbin,
Ray Harbin,
W.C. (William Clifford) Harbin,
Lrea Harbin.
far left
Rosie I. Holdson, M.G. Newkirk,
center bar
James R. Jackson, Margaret Held Jackson,
A.C. Payne, O.B. Payne,
top bar
James J. Jackson, Donna Bedwell Jackson,
Cora Case, Lee Ladd,
Dircie Kixett(?), Lucy Puckett,
Lulu Biggs, Lewti Badders,
Mr. & Mrs. S. Goldal???
Mr. & Mrs. Gouchman.
Evan Hinkle, Lawrence Ellis,
Grace Payne, (Rev.) Robb Zaring,
Dilla Willis, Ella Alsmen,
Nelli Corbin, Frankie A. Corbin,
Mr. & Mrs. J. Hinkle,
Mr. & Mrs. C. Bough.
Evan Hinkle, Lawrence Ellis,
Grace Payne, (Rev.) Robb Zaring,
Dilla Willis, Ella Alsmen,
Nelli Corbin, Frankie A. Corbin,
Mr. & Mrs. J. Hinkle,
Mr. & Mrs. C. Bough.
left bar
George Shephard, Melvin Ellis,
W.A. (William Addison) Jackson,
E.M. Newkirk,
Elmer Jackson, Jones Wilson,
Rosa L. Holdson, M.E. Newkirk,
top middle bar
Jamie R. Jackson,
Margaret Held Jackson,
W.T. Howard, Fay Howard,
Mr. & Mrs. J.R. Corbin,
Mr. & Mrs. John Sisson,
bottom bar
Stephen Wilson, Patty Jackson Wilson.
George Shephard, Melvin Ellis,
W.A. (William Addison) Jackson,
E.M. Newkirk,
Elmer Jackson, Jones Wilson,
Rosa L. Holdson, M.E. Newkirk,
top middle bar
Jamie R. Jackson,
Margaret Held Jackson,
W.T. Howard, Fay Howard,
Mr. & Mrs. J.R. Corbin,
Mr. & Mrs. John Sisson,
bottom bar
Stephen Wilson, Patty Jackson Wilson.
Hannah Timmerman, Elizabeth Irwin,
Orvil Collins, Mary Brewer,
Mollie Hancock, S.J. Sentry,
right bar
George Shepherd, Melvin Ellis,
Teresa Bough, Teresa Timmerman,
Mr. & Mrs. Wildman, Mr. & Mrs. Collins.
Hannah Timmerman, Elizabeth Irwin,
Orvil Collins, Mary Brewer,
Mollie Hancock, S.J. Sentry,
right bar
George Shepherd, Melvin Ellis,
Teresa Bough, Teresa Timmerman,
Mr. & Mrs. Wildman, Mr. & Mrs. Collins.
left bar in pink
Delphin Bedwell, Lucille Buckles Bedwell,
H.W. Baldridge, Roscoe O'Haver,
Daisy O'Haver Harbin,
S.E.Mayfield, Wm R.(Richie) Hinkle,
Mr. T.B. O'Haver, Mrs. S.D. O'Haver.
left bar
left bar
Powell, Grandma
Puckett, Lucy
Purcell, D.W.
Purcell, Mr. & Mrs. G.W.
Purcell, Maid
Rooksberry, Mr. & Mrs. J.H.
Rooksberry, Lee
Rooksberry, Stella
Rooksberry, Claud
Rady, Gebe
Reen, Effie
Risley, Charlie
Roach, Emons
Rose, Hugh
Russell, Lora
Shepherd, Stella
Shepherd, Davie
Shepherd, Jess
Shepherd, George
Shepherd, M.A.
Shivers, J.A.
Sisson, Mary C.
Sisson, Mr. & Mrs. John
Smith, Fay
Smith, Nellie
Smith, Wm.
Spencer, Mattie
Spencer, Rosa
Spencer, Mr. & Mrs. W.
Stevenson, C. N.
Stafford, Mr. & Mrs. Noah
Stafford, Oka
Stafford, Mr. & Mrs. Presley
Staker, Lillie
Stevens, H.J.
Story, Mr. & Mrs. G.
Stropes, Jr. & Mrs. J.L.
Sutton, John
Swaby, J.
Timmerman, Nimrod
Timmerman, Hannah
Timmerman, Mr. & Mrs. J.
Timmerman, Teresa
Talkmier, W.
Walden, Mr. & Mrs. R.R.
Wells, Mr. & Mrs. F.
Wells, Clarence & C
Wells, Mr. & Mrs. J.M.
Wildman, Emma
Wildman, Mr. & Mrs.
Willis, Dillie
Wilson, Jones
Wilson, Willie
Wilson, Perry
Wilson, Mr. & Mrs. W.P.
Worth, Mollie
*Wood, Rev. C.W.
Wood, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis
Wyatt, Elmer
Yocum, Mr. & Mrs. John
*Zaring, Rev. Robb (1891)
Delphin Bedwell, Lucille Buckles Bedwell,
H.W. Baldridge, Roscoe O'Haver,
Daisy O'Haver Harbin,
S.E.Mayfield, Wm R.(Richie) Hinkle,
Mr. T.B. O'Haver, Mrs. S.D. O'Haver.
left bar
Danny Benefiel, Carolyn Smith Benefiel,
Elmer Edwards, Effie Reen,
C. M. Brooks, H.J. Edwards,
A. A. Beaver, Samuel Neal,
K. L. Hill, Lexie O'Haver,
Mr. & Mrs. R.S. O'Haver,
Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Fry.
Oka Stafford, Effie Goodman Crawford,
Catherine Barns, Sallie Pickle,
W.P. Hale, Sallie Edwards,
top bar
Philip Benefiel, Margaret Benefiel,
Cora Neal, J. East,
Jennie Arthur, Lora Russel,
Mr. & Mrs. D.S. Hunter,
Mr. & Mrs. J.H. Rooksberry.
left bar
Philip Benefiel Jr., Margaret Benefiel,
D. W. Purcell, W.S. Bennett,
Earl A. Enochs, George T. Enochs,
Stella Beck, Wilber Beck,
right bar
Mr. & Mrs. C.J. O'Haver,
Martha E. Bedwell, Lizzie Pool,
Mr. & Mrs. T.J. Enocks,
Mr. & Mrs. G. Story.
left bar
Mr. & Mrs. C.J. O'Haver,
W. Talkmier, Wm Smith,
H. F. Albert, Anna Humerick,
top bar
Lizzie Headley, Ema Wildman,
Tillie Albert, A.M. Berry,
right bar
P.C. O'Haver,
Henry Lowe, Ambrose Arthur,
C.M. Coffin & Wife,
M.F. Neal & Wife,
bottom bar
Shephard & Shephard.
This is the Complete List
of Names on
of Names on
48 more names were added
to the quilt after 1960.
to the quilt after 1960.
Names stitched onto the quilt between 1891-92-
* Pastor
Algier, Mabel
Albert, Tillie
Albert, H.F.
Alsman, Ella
Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. J.
Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. J.S.
Arthur, Ambrose
Arthur, Fletcher
Arthur, B.T.
Arthur, Jennie
Anen(?), Bertie
Bailey, Mr. & Mrs. A.
Bairnes, Catherine
Bedders, Lewti
Baker, Mrs. Margaret
Baker, John
Baldridge, H.W.
Barcus, Nellie
Beam, Mr. & Mrs. W.S.
Beaver, A.A.
Bedwell, Mr. & Mrs. S.J.
Bedwell, Mr. & Mrs. J.M.
Bedwell, Dode H.
Bedwell, Mr. & Mrs. Johnny
Bedwell, Martha E.
Beck, Rinda
Beck, Eliza
Beck, Emily and Kay
Beck, Wilber
Beck, Stella
Beck, Charley
Begeman, Karl
Begeman, Nancy
Bell, Bill
Benard, Mr. & Mrs. S.M.
Bennett, W.S.
Berry, Walter
Berry, Mr. & Mrs. W.L.
Berry, Mary
Berry, Louis
Berry, L.H.
Biggs, Lulu
Blevins, Tillie
Booker, Mr. & Mrs. J.A.
Booker, Maud
Becker, Caroline
Booker, Chris
Bough, Mr. & Mrs. C.
Bough, Teresa
Bough, Clara
Brewer, Mr. & Mrs. J.W.
Brewer, Mattie
Brower, Mary
Brooke, C.M.
Buck, Othie C.
Burress, Mr. & Mrs.
Cade, Mr. & Mrs. Lyman
Clause, Emma
Coats, Elizabeth
Coffman, Mr. & Mrs. C.M.
Collier, Sherman
Collins, Pearl
Collins, Mr. & Mrs.
Collins, Orvil
Cooksey, John
Corbin, Mrs. W.
Corbin, Nellie
Corbin, Mr. & Mrs. J.R.
Corbin, I.V.
Cross, Nancy
Culbertson, Ella
Culbertson, Persy
Cullisson, A.
Case, Cora
Daugherty, Letta
Daugherty, Clyde
Dixon, Cora L.
Dixon, John A.
Dixon, Mr. & Mrs. J.A.
Dauthitt, Jim
Douthitt, Frannie
Douthitt, Mr. & Mrs.
Drieman, Ed
Dunham, Ira
East, J.
Edmonds, Mr. & Mrs. E.
Edmonds, Carrie
Edwards, H.J.
Edwards, Sallie
Edwards, Elmer
Edwards, Dora
Ellis, Mr. & Mrs. (Bob)
Ellis, Lawrence
Ellis, Melvin
Ellis, Pearl
Ellis, Patience
*Elrod, Rev. A.W.
Enochs, Mr. & Mrs. T.J.
Enochs, John
Enochs, J.D.
Enochs, Earl A.
Enochs, George T.
Fleming, Salene
Fry, Mr. & Mrs. Isaac
Gentry, S.J.
Gilmore, Miss Beryl
Goldman, Dicey
Goldman, F.M.
Goldman, Mr. & Mrs. W.Goodman, D.A.
Goodman, N.N.
G(C)ouchman, Mr. & Mrs. A.
Griffith, V.N.
Hale, Mark
Hale, W.P.
Hancock, Mollie
Harbin, Mr. & Mrs. W.A. (William Alexander, 1831-1901)
Harbin, W.C. (William Clifford, 1869-1922)
Harbin, Iva
Harbin, James Clemen (1872-1943)
Harbin, Kenty (John Kenton, 1864-1907)
Harbin, Ray Hinkle
Harbin, Florence Celeste (1857-1894)
Harbin, Mr. & Mrs. E.D. (Emery Dudley, 1859-1932)
Harbin, Minnie Belle (1882-1968)
harbin, Albert Ernest (1884-1974)
Harbin, Fern Leota (1887-1963)
Harbin, Don Roy (1891-1977)
Harris, W.C.
Harvey Mr. & Mrs. L.A.
Harvey N.H.
Headley, Ed
Headley, Lizzie
Headley, S.A.
Herndon, Howard
Hill, K.L.
Hinkle, Jacob Wilton (1822-1909)
Hinkle, Wm. R. (William Ritchie, 1834-1900)
Hinkle, Mr. & Mrs. J. (John Wesley, 1836-1922)
Hinkle, Sadie
Hinkle, Eva
Houldson, J.W.
Houldson, Rosie I.
Houldson, Bertha
Houldson, Emma
Holdson, Elva
Holdson, Sallie E.
Howard, Daisy C.
Howard, F.G.
Howard, Maude
Howard, Charlie
Howard, E.C.
Howard, Lizzie
Howard, Fay
Howard, W.T.
Howard, Belle
Howard, Carl
Howard, Ethel
Humerick, Anna
Hungate, Flora
Hunter, Mrs. L.
Hunter, Mr. & Mrs. D.S.
Irwin, Elizabeth
Jarral, Delmar
Jett, Edgar
Johnson, Mr. & Mrs.
Jackson, J.W.
Jackson, W.A.
Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. J.H.
Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. R.
Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. Johnny
Jackson, Elmer
Jackson, C.I.
Jones, Victoria
Jones, Edward
Keely, Mr. & Mrs. J.H.
Keene, Mr. & Mrs. H.D.
Kliser, Mr. & Mrs. R.H.
Kliser, Miss Reva
Krug, Mr. & Mrs. Otto
Kixett(?), Dircie
Ladd, Lee
Lester, Ella
Lester, Mr. & Mrs. Vint
Lockhart, Mr. & Mrs.
Lockhart, Viola
Lockhart, Marshal
Lockhart, Russell
Long, Mr. & Mrs. W.
Loudon or Louden, Mrs.
Love, Henry
Lowe, Clara M.
Lyons, Mr. & Mrs. James
Lyons, Grace
Lyons, Mary & Max
Lundy, Mr. & Mrs. J.S.
Mahan, Mr. & Mrs. M.G.
Matthias, Mr. & Mrs. S.
Mayfield, S.E.
McClung, Mr. & Mrs. T.N.
McClung, Ella and May
McClung, robert
McClung, Mr. & Mrs. Dr. Sy
McClung, Emma andJinny
McCammon, Jim
McDowell, Dr. & Mrs.
McConnell, Jennie
McKee, R.S. and Son
McKim, Hattie
Milburn, Lou and Reva
Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Perry
Miller, Mr. & Mrs. S.H.
Miller, Mr. & Mrs. S.O.
Miller, Mr. & Mrs. E.L.
Miller, Lee and Grace
Miller, Ada and Gladdas
Miller, James
Miller, Birdie (James)
Miller, Fay
Moss, Mr.& Mrs. B.S.
Neal, Mr.& Mrs.M.F.
Neal, Cora
Neal, Samuel
Baker, Mrs. Margaret
Baker, John
Baldridge, H.W.
Barcus, Nellie
Beam, Mr. & Mrs. W.S.
Beaver, A.A.
Bedwell, Mr. & Mrs. S.J.
Bedwell, Mr. & Mrs. J.M.
Bedwell, Dode H.
Bedwell, Mr. & Mrs. Johnny
Bedwell, Martha E.
Beck, Rinda
Beck, Eliza
Beck, Emily and Kay
Beck, Wilber
Beck, Stella
Beck, Charley
Begeman, Karl
Begeman, Nancy
Bell, Bill
Benard, Mr. & Mrs. S.M.
Bennett, W.S.
Berry, Walter
Berry, Mr. & Mrs. W.L.
Berry, Mary
Berry, Louis
Berry, L.H.
Biggs, Lulu
Blevins, Tillie
Booker, Mr. & Mrs. J.A.
Booker, Maud
Becker, Caroline
Booker, Chris
Bough, Mr. & Mrs. C.
Bough, Teresa
Bough, Clara
Brewer, Mr. & Mrs. J.W.
Brewer, Mattie
Brower, Mary
Brooke, C.M.
Buck, Othie C.
Burress, Mr. & Mrs.
Cade, Mr. & Mrs. Lyman
Clause, Emma
Coats, Elizabeth
Coffman, Mr. & Mrs. C.M.
Collier, Sherman
Collins, Pearl
Collins, Mr. & Mrs.
Collins, Orvil
Cooksey, John
Corbin, Mrs. W.
Corbin, Nellie
Corbin, Mr. & Mrs. J.R.
Corbin, I.V.
Cross, Nancy
Culbertson, Ella
Culbertson, Persy
Cullisson, A.
Case, Cora
Daugherty, Letta
Daugherty, Clyde
Dixon, Cora L.
Dixon, John A.
Dixon, Mr. & Mrs. J.A.
Dauthitt, Jim
Douthitt, Frannie
Douthitt, Mr. & Mrs.
Drieman, Ed
Dunham, Ira
East, J.
Edmonds, Mr. & Mrs. E.
Edmonds, Carrie
Edwards, H.J.
Edwards, Sallie
Edwards, Elmer
Edwards, Dora
Ellis, Mr. & Mrs. (Bob)
Ellis, Lawrence
Ellis, Melvin
Ellis, Pearl
Ellis, Patience
*Elrod, Rev. A.W.
Enochs, Mr. & Mrs. T.J.
Enochs, John
Enochs, J.D.
Enochs, Earl A.
Enochs, George T.
Fleming, Salene
Fry, Mr. & Mrs. Isaac
Gentry, S.J.
Gilmore, Miss Beryl
Goldman, Dicey
Goldman, F.M.
Goldman, Mr. & Mrs. W.Goodman, D.A.
Goodman, N.N.
G(C)ouchman, Mr. & Mrs. A.
Griffith, V.N.
Hale, Mark
Hale, W.P.
Hancock, Mollie
Harbin, Mr. & Mrs. W.A. (William Alexander, 1831-1901)
Harbin, W.C. (William Clifford, 1869-1922)
Harbin, Iva
Harbin, James Clemen (1872-1943)
Harbin, Kenty (John Kenton, 1864-1907)
Harbin, Ray Hinkle
Harbin, Florence Celeste (1857-1894)
Harbin, Mr. & Mrs. E.D. (Emery Dudley, 1859-1932)
Harbin, Minnie Belle (1882-1968)
harbin, Albert Ernest (1884-1974)
Harbin, Fern Leota (1887-1963)
Harbin, Don Roy (1891-1977)
Harris, W.C.
Harvey Mr. & Mrs. L.A.
Harvey N.H.
Headley, Ed
Headley, Lizzie
Headley, S.A.
Herndon, Howard
Hill, K.L.
Hinkle, Jacob Wilton (1822-1909)
Hinkle, Wm. R. (William Ritchie, 1834-1900)
Hinkle, Mr. & Mrs. J. (John Wesley, 1836-1922)
Hinkle, Sadie
Hinkle, Eva
Houldson, J.W.
Houldson, Rosie I.
Houldson, Bertha
Houldson, Emma
Holdson, Elva
Holdson, Sallie E.
Howard, Daisy C.
Howard, F.G.
Howard, Maude
Howard, Charlie
Howard, E.C.
Howard, Lizzie
Howard, Fay
Howard, W.T.
Howard, Belle
Howard, Carl
Howard, Ethel
Humerick, Anna
Hungate, Flora
Hunter, Mrs. L.
Hunter, Mr. & Mrs. D.S.
Irwin, Elizabeth
Jarral, Delmar
Jett, Edgar
Johnson, Mr. & Mrs.
Jackson, J.W.
Jackson, W.A.
Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. J.H.
Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. R.
Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. Johnny
Jackson, Elmer
Jackson, C.I.
Jones, Victoria
Jones, Edward
Keely, Mr. & Mrs. J.H.
Keene, Mr. & Mrs. H.D.
Kliser, Mr. & Mrs. R.H.
Kliser, Miss Reva
Krug, Mr. & Mrs. Otto
Kixett(?), Dircie
Ladd, Lee
Lester, Ella
Lester, Mr. & Mrs. Vint
Lockhart, Mr. & Mrs.
Lockhart, Viola
Lockhart, Marshal
Lockhart, Russell
Long, Mr. & Mrs. W.
Loudon or Louden, Mrs.
Love, Henry
Lowe, Clara M.
Lyons, Mr. & Mrs. James
Lyons, Grace
Lyons, Mary & Max
Lundy, Mr. & Mrs. J.S.
Mahan, Mr. & Mrs. M.G.
Matthias, Mr. & Mrs. S.
Mayfield, S.E.
McClung, Mr. & Mrs. T.N.
McClung, Ella and May
McClung, robert
McClung, Mr. & Mrs. Dr. Sy
McClung, Emma andJinny
McCammon, Jim
McDowell, Dr. & Mrs.
McConnell, Jennie
McKee, R.S. and Son
McKim, Hattie
Milburn, Lou and Reva
Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Perry
Miller, Mr. & Mrs. S.H.
Miller, Mr. & Mrs. S.O.
Miller, Mr. & Mrs. E.L.
Miller, Lee and Grace
Miller, Ada and Gladdas
Miller, James
Miller, Birdie (James)
Miller, Fay
Moss, Mr.& Mrs. B.S.
Neal, Mr.& Mrs.M.F.
Neal, Cora
Neal, Samuel
Newkirk, E.M.
Newkirk, M.E.
Newkirk, Bell
Newkirk, Mr. & Mrs. N.
Newkirk, Mr. & Mrs. D.R.
Newkirk, Mr. & Mrs. F.A.
Ogg, Gertie B.
Ogg, Nannie C.
O'Haver, Roscoe
O'Haver, Mrs. S.D.
O'Haver, T.B.
O'Haver, Daisy
O'Haver, P.C.
O'Haver, Mr. & Mrs. C.J.
O'Haver, Mr. & Mrs. R.S.
O'Haver, Lexie
Padgett, Mr. & Mrs. T.J.
Padgett, Mr. & Mrs. R.R.
Padgett, Birdella
Padgett, Woodward
Parrill, Mr. & Mrs. G.W.
Payne, Mr. & Mrs. J.A.
Payne, A.C.
Payne, Grace
Payne, O.B.
Phillips, Claud
Phillips, Bessie
Phillips, Dr. & Mrs. J.L.
Pickle, Sallie
Plew, Orvel
Pool, LizziePowell, Grandma
Puckett, Lucy
Purcell, D.W.
Purcell, Mr. & Mrs. G.W.
Purcell, Maid
Rooksberry, Mr. & Mrs. J.H.
Rooksberry, Lee
Rooksberry, Stella
Rooksberry, Claud
Rady, Gebe
Reen, Effie
Risley, Charlie
Roach, Emons
Rose, Hugh
Russell, Lora
Shepherd, Stella
Shepherd, Davie
Shepherd, Jess
Shepherd, George
Shepherd, M.A.
Shivers, J.A.
Sisson, Mary C.
Sisson, Mr. & Mrs. John
Smith, Fay
Smith, Nellie
Smith, Wm.
Spencer, Mattie
Spencer, Rosa
Spencer, Mr. & Mrs. W.
Stevenson, C. N.
Stafford, Mr. & Mrs. Noah
Stafford, Oka
Stafford, Mr. & Mrs. Presley
Staker, Lillie
Stevens, H.J.
Story, Mr. & Mrs. G.
Stropes, Jr. & Mrs. J.L.
Sutton, John
Swaby, J.
Timmerman, Nimrod
Timmerman, Hannah
Timmerman, Mr. & Mrs. J.
Timmerman, Teresa
Talkmier, W.
Walden, Mr. & Mrs. R.R.
Wells, Mr. & Mrs. F.
Wells, Clarence & C
Wells, Mr. & Mrs. J.M.
Wildman, Emma
Wildman, Mr. & Mrs.
Willis, Dillie
Wilson, Jones
Wilson, Willie
Wilson, Perry
Wilson, Mr. & Mrs. W.P.
Worth, Mollie
*Wood, Rev. C.W.
Wood, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis
Wyatt, Elmer
Yocum, Mr. & Mrs. John
*Zaring, Rev. Robb (1891)
48 Names added after 1960-
Mary Harbin Bishop,
Bill Bishop,
Georgia Buck Andis,
Willard Andis,
Ray Timmerman,
Dorthy Jackson Timmerman,
Lorene Goodman Benefiel,
Philip Benefiel,
Philip Benefiel, Jr.
Margaret Benefiel,
Danny Benefiel,
Carolyn Smith Benefiel,
Effie Goodman Crawford,
Orian Jackson,
Verna Brewer Jackson,
James J. Jackson,
Donna Bedwell Jackson,
Jamie Jackson,
Lisa Jackson,
Stephen Wilson,
Patty Jackson Wilson,
Douglas Wilson,
Arthur Hale,
Glotein Bedwell Hale,
Charles Bruce Lind,
Myrtle Harbin Lind,
Margaret Jane Lind Garrett,
Lois Elaine Lind Persons,
Leo Bishop,
Betty Lester Bishop,
Carol Bishop,
Martha Bishop,
Rita Bishop,
Ronda Bishop,
Paul Bishop,
Ted Ray,
Linda Bishop Ray,
Eva Harbin,
Arla Lester,
Doris Swaby Lester,
Bobbie Lester,
Gene Lester,
Willis Buckles,
Maud Berry Buckles,
Delphin Bedwell,
Lucille Buckles Bedwell,